Next steps for the FAIR data & software lesson

On 2020 August 27-28, 29 participants from 21 institutions and 11 countries took part in the CarpentryCon @ Home - Library Carpentry FAIR Data & Software lesson sprint. The ultimate goal of the sprint was to develop a shared FAIR lesson that communities across the world can benefit from. Overall, participants made 35 commits, including 347 additions and 62 deletions, and closed 9 issues out of 16 opened during the sprint. Lesson development also occurred outside of GitHub, in Etherpads and Google Docs, and is in the process of being merged. Thanks to all the participants and their contributions!

Over the course of two days, some of the main themes that sprinters focused on included understanding the lesson audience, improving objectives, and updating episode content/exercises. The lesson is still under development as the lesson maintainers continue to integrate the content and ideas contributed during the sprint.

Looking forward, the lesson maintainers are exploring the possibility of submitting the lesson to The Carpentries incubator program for further contributions, feedback, and review. Additionally, the maintainers will explore venues such as GO FAIR, FAIRsFAIR, and RDA where the lesson can be shared, developed further, and taught.

If you are interested in contributing to the lesson, please submit an issuepull request, or reach out to the maintainers.


FAIR Data and Software in the Scholarly Communications Lifecycle


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