Mission and Objective
The GO BUILD Pillar of GO FAIR US will focus on the development of a FAIR assessment framework and implementation guidance for research software hosting and sharing platforms. Particular focus will be given to the mechanism of badging for FAIR research software assessment and implementation guidance.
Pillar Chairs
Chris Erdmann
Sandra Gesing
Laure Haak
The adoption and implementation of FAIR practices within the research software community has proven challenging, and the GO BUILD Pillar will work to identify platforms that can host research software development and sharing activities, test scope and feasibility of these platforms, and share these findings with the larger research software community.
The initial phase of work of the GO BUILD Pillar is expected to last for 2 years, starting from June 2022. The aim of this group is to facilitate the development of FAIR adoption guidance, implementation frameworks, and assessment tools for research software platforms. It will gather expertise across and among leading stakeholders involved in research software development, maintenance, and attribution.
The Pillar will hold open meetings every month and aims at establishing intense but short-term working groups (3 months, 5-6 meetings, with asynchronous work) to gather existing best practices, work with software platforms to test frameworks, and develop guidance for adoption by the GO FAIR community.